Last updated: January 08, 2024

beampix is a label of hgm-press OHG, a photo agency based in Berlin, Germany. It sources newsworthy content (photo and video) and gets permission from the owner(s) to use it in various media, such as broadcasters, publishers and internet media for news reporting purposes. beampix distributes the content through various platforms and channels.

This agreement gives beampix and its partners permission to broadcast or republish your content. This means they can use your Content in whole or in part in TV, print, online and/or other media channels.

To acknowledge your contribution, beampix always asks that partners credit any source when they use the content we provide. Unless you specifically ask us not to do so.

By accepting the Supplier Agreement for the distribution of your content, you are agreeing to the following:

  • You affirm, represent, and warrant that you are the owner of the Content (photo and video), or that you have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to grant a license to beampix to the Content. You also affirm, represent, and warrant that the Content does not vest in some third party.
  • Aside from the licenses granted herein, you retain all ownership rights to your Content.
  • You hereby grant beampix and its partners a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, commercial, sub-licensable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute and edit, the Content in any media format (including TV, print, online) and through any media organisation or channel (including news outlets and news agencies). Beampix, hgm-press and its partners will archive the content for future use.
  • You agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy []. In particular, you agree that when we distribute your photos/video to our partners, we may disclose your personal information to such partners so they can independently verify your Content.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you!
